How are we already more than half-way through April?
Easter slipped past us in a blink of an eye, and the clocks have sprung forward, nudging us closer to longer, warmer days. Here in the UK, the weather is doing it’s best to imitate spring; we’ve had the pleasure of some beautifully sunny moments, even amidst our fair share of April showers, and even some hail earlier this week!
I have packed away my jog pants, and finally, my legs are out, although I still find comfort in wearing a sweater.
We just need the breeze that’s still lingering from Storm Kathleen dying down and we can all start to enjoy the long-awaited warmth of the sun against our skin; it’s been a long time coming.
If, like me you’re way behind with the spring cleaning, do not despair, it’s not too late to start your spring clean!
I’m here to share some simple tips that will help you prepare your home ready for spring and beyond.
For those that have been following me for a while will know I’m a true advocate of the quote:
“Tidy home equals tidy mind.”
I find when the house is organised, my mood improves significantly; as life starts to take over and things become less organised, I really do notice the change in the way I feel.
So, the best way to manage this is to introduce regular steps to your everyday (or weekly) routine.
1: Declutter
Decluttering your home doesn’t have to be overwhelming; there’s a simple rule that can make a big difference.
Have you heard of the 12-12-12 rule?
It’s where you locate 12 items and make a decision on whether it needs to be thrown away, donated or returned to where it belongs.
Why does it work?
It encourages intentional decision-making, as you actively assess each item, taking small steps towards a tidier home. To add an additional element of fun, why not consider the 5-second rule, where you need to make a decision within 5 seconds!
The infamous “Random Drawer”
Let’s be honest we all have one, the notorious “random drawer” which attracts plasters, loose coins and various other odds and ends.
So, why not start there, grab a bag and locate your first 12 items and let the decluttering begin!
Something as simple as decluttering a drawer is a great first step towards a tidier home and tidier mind.
2: Re-organise your wardrobe
The start of a new season is also a great time to review your wardrobe.
Similar to the 12-12-12 rule there’s the 90/90 rule when it comes to decluttering your wardrobe.
What is the 90/90 rule?
If you haven’t worn something in 90 days and don’t see yourself wearing it in the next three months (90 days), then it should be out the (wardrobe) door!
It sounds harsh, however it really works, and if there are the odd items you can’t bare to part with (for now), why not put them to one side and review when you come to revisit in 90 days time. If again you still haven’t worn the item, maybe it’s time to say goodbye.
There are so many ways to give your unloved items a new home, either by donating to your local charity shop, connecting with your local pre-loved store or selling on pre-loved sites such as Depop or Vinted.
Seasonal swap:
Now is the perfect time to bid farewell to your favourite chunky knits and hands up who loves a onesie in the winter months?
Storing seasonal clothes which you’re not going to need as the weather gets warmer in storage boxes or vacuum-packed bags is a great way to save space.
Get organised:
Hang your clothes in a logical order, either by product type, or colour theme. Alternatively, consider hanging them in outfit order. Imagine the time you’d save each day by having your outfits ready to go!
To identify what you wear day-to-day, try this simple tip of turning the hangers around when you wear an item.
When it’s time for your next 90/90 purge you’ll easily see what you’ve worn and what you haven’t.
You might be surprised at how few clothes you actually wear; we tend to stick to our all-time favourite pieces out of habit.

Photo by Alyssa Strohmann on Unsplash
3: Tackle the big jobs (in bite size pieces)
Don’t feel pressured to blitz the house in one go. Start by making a list and prioritise tasks based on urgency, desire to get them out of the way, or the satisfaction it will provide once completed.
Set realistic goals for what can be accomplished in a day or week, and allocate time to focus on your cleaning tasks.
I prefer to focus on one room at a time; it provides a huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction once you start to see progress in each room.
And make it fun!
Pop your favourite playlist on, nothing beats a boogie around the house with the vacuum cleaner. Listen to a podcast and enjoy a coffee and chocolate biscuit, or glass of wine when you’re done!

Photo by Sara Ciungan on Unsplash
4: Refresh your bedding
Who doesn’t love a new bedding set?
It can completely transform a bedroom, and is a far cheaper alternative than considering redecorating the whole room.
If you missed this months shopping guide, you can catch up here:
5: Add those finishing touches
Finally, who doesn’t love the smell of freshly cut flowers?
Spring is my favourite season for cut flowers, with a gorgeous range of tulips available and of course the trusty daffodil.
Consider treating yourself to a bunch of flowers each month, the perfect way to add a splash of colour and gorgeous natural fragrance to your home.

Photo by Tīna Sāra on Unsplash
If you do need any support with either Home Organising or Home Styling you can find out more on my website.
I hope I’ve been able to share some useful tips to help you get started with your spring clean.
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