There are a few brands available where you can purchase already made panelling, although what’s the fun in that when you can create your own bespoke panelling, specific to your requirements.
The first thing is to create your design on paper and make sure all the dimensions are right; check, check and check again; the last thing you want to find is that you’ve either not ordered enough wood, or ordered too much!

Create your design on paper
We purchased MDF sheets to attach to the wall, to provide a secure base for the wooden strips.
Before we got started, I marked out all the measurements directly onto the MDF sheets, just to be sure all the measurements were worked out correctly. It’s a lot easier to redraw the design at this stage rather than going straight in with gluing the timber and then finding things aren’t lined up as they should be.

Mark out your measurements onto the MDF sheets
The MDF sheets are then positioned in place, to provide a secure base for the wooden strips; as wood is a natural material it can shrink so this helps prevent movement if attached directly to the wall.
Masking tape was applied to show where the wooden strips were to be positioned and then the whole wall (including the MDF base) was painted using Little Greene Knightsbridge.

Feature wall painted in Little Green Knightsbridge
From removing the masking tape, you can really start to see how the feature wall is coming together.
Now the fun begins!
Once the American Black Walnut from British Hardwoods was cut to size, each wooden strip was glued into position; (the wooden strips are glued directly to the MDF (wood to wood) and not on the paint).

Wooden strips glued to the MDF base
The final step is to oil the feature wall; we used Osmo Satin Clear oil, which really brings out the beauty of the American Black Walnut.

Final wood panelled feature wall